Since I’ve been traveling for business, and am now slipping into vacation mode, I thought it would be prudent to write about one of the important factors in health and well-being…I’m referring to your MINDSET about fitness. This topic actually crosses over into all 4 Pillars of Performance (Mindset, Habits, Movement, Fuel). As I mention in my book and in …
How Long Does It Take To See Results In Fitness?
I hope your last weekend of Stampede was awesome! To continue with the fitness myths series, I have one more myth to debunk for you: “you have to spend a lot of time exercising if you want to see the results in fitness.” Time is always a touchy subject. We all have the same amount of it, but how we …
The Link between Sleep, Nutrition, and Weight Gain
Sleep. We all need it every day, yet few people understand the importance of and how to achieve a great night of sleep. Understanding the link between sleep, nutrition, and weight gain is important. So, how important is sleep? I will go as far as to say that I believe sleep is the most underrated aspect of overall health and …