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Why Consistency Is The Key – Behavior Change (Pt. 3)

Hopefully, you’ve been starting to use the “perspective shift” and “emotion creates motion” tips to make important changes in your life. Today’s tip will help you see this change through long-term consistency. Also, will help you realize why consistency is the key to success in every aspect of life.  This tip involves grit, persistence, and perseverance, but not in the …

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The change process…made super simple

My posts exist for one specific reason. To help as many people as possible experience that life is awesome and packed with potential. This is why I have laid out the change process…made super simple. A huge part of that involves helping people realize they are worthy of and have the ability to cultivate greatness in themselves and their life. …

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The Link between Sleep, Nutrition, and Weight Gain

Sleep. We all need it every day, yet few people understand the importance of and how to achieve a great night of sleep. Understanding the link between sleep, nutrition, and weight gain is important. So, how important is sleep? I will go as far as to say that I believe sleep is the most underrated aspect of overall health and …