While today’s topic is not in the traditional realm of what I write about, most readers of these messages are working professionals, and the workplace wellness that I’m going to highlight today is essential to your future health, happiness, well-being, and performance in life.
Hopefully, this is enough to perk up your attention.
Also, I’m not one to rant without providing a solution. In the end, you will get some direct actions you can take to improve your workplace wellness…and hopefully your company.
The Joke That Wasn’t (Isn’t) Funny…
Last week, I spoke with some colleagues and discussed education and training in the corporate world. These colleagues were professional speakers and corporate trainers working in both the US and Canada.
A group of them were discussing how budgets have been cut over the past couple of years, and that they found it challenging to get approval for their programs (Sales, Leadership, Management, etc.).
While this is the typical nature of business in a downturn, they were shocked when talked turned to the health and wellness industry.
They asked how much the average budget had been reduced, and were surprised when I said ZERO. At first, they were envious, but then I informed them that there was never any budget to begin with!

The Mindset Problem at the Workplace
After 25+ years in the industry, it still shocks me how little attention employers pay to employee health and wellness.
Here’s a sample conversation that sums up lots of training and education, but becomes particularly relevant to employee health and wellbeing.
CFO to CEO “What if we invest in our people, and they leave?”
CEO to CFO “What if we fail to invest in them, and they stay!”
Very few companies have a set budget for workplace wellness-related programs. Those that do rarely have a strategic plan around how to implement the budget. Plus, any budgets that do exist are minuscule in comparison to the overall company revenues.
The current mindset of CFOs, Controllers, and most executives is to view “Workplace Wellness” as a line item expense to be minimized. Keep in mind that I’m mostly referring to Canadian companies.
My estimate is that the US is at least 10 years ahead of Canada in terms of awareness and how many resources are focused on wellness.
This is because employers are on the hook for much more of the health care expenditure of each employee. Perhaps this is one downside of the public healthcare system in Canada. Employers get to (literally) “pass the buck” to the government (and taxpayers).
Workplace Wellness on Your Killer Job?
Consider that the majority of our waking hours are spent at work. Those hours have a tremendous impact on our health, happiness, and well-being. Yet, virtually nothing is being done to provide an environment that helps employees thrive.
Companies that do have a budget for wellness, are quick to cut it at the first sign of a downturn, when stress, uncertainty, burnout, and mental health challenges are at their peak, and employees need these resources most.
I have worked with large companies that cut highly effective and employee-requested programs because the “optics” of wellness investment “didn’t look good” when people were being laid off.

This is essentially telling employees:
Hey, stop whining and be grateful you still have a job. We know you are doing double or triple your current workload for less pay (due to wage rollbacks), but protecting our bottom line is more important than your physical and mental well-being.
To show you that we aren’t completely heartless bastards, we are rolling out some mandatory stress reduction and residency workshops because our legal team told us that it will help us cover our a** in case you sue us, or have a mental breakdown”
While this may be (somewhat) dramatized, it’s not been too far off the mark for a number of companies over the past few years. I’ve heard many stories from our clients that shocked me into disbelief.
Of course, that’s one way to look at it. Here’s another one. I would love to hear what you think makes more sense.
A clear message from leadership explaining that…
Yes, times are tough, and people have been laid off. However, each of you reading this is the foundation of our success.
We understand that stress levels are high, workloads have increased, and the future may seem uncertain. Please know that we are committed to working closely with you to support your health, happiness, and performance during these tough times.
This is why we are investing/continuing to invest in strategic workplace wellness programs that will help every employee and our entire organization emerge stronger and healthier from this current phase in our development.
We may not have the budget we would like to have around these programs, but your health and well-being are paramount to all of our success. We will do everything possible to help. We welcome ideas and feedback from every employee to help improve your working environment.
Which message do you think would produce a greater performance for a company during challenging times?
It’s critical to understand that workplace wellness is an INVESTMENT!
Expert Personal Training and Lifestyle Coaching To Help You Thrive
I really do wish that more companies in all industries paid better attention to mental health and wellness for their employees. I think many people leave their jobs because it’s miserable to be a part of every day. That can easily change if the admin were mindful of how big of an impact the vibe of the office has on work.
Exactly Karen. Good point. Thanks for engaging!
Workplace wellness is key, and yet so many employers could not care less about it. That’s the problem with the culture (although it’s been changing).
I agree that it is a culture problem. But we can definitely change that!
This is an important article to read for anyone who contributes to defining ‘perks’ for employees. Workplace wellness can change the culture of an organization.
Yes it can Stephanie. Thanks for the feedback!
Massively important read. We really need to prioritise employees wellbeing, they are a valuable resource.
Exactly Claire. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Prioritizing workplace wellness is more than a business strategy—it’s a cornerstone for sustainable success. Your blog post brilliantly delves into why fostering a healthy work environment is crucial for businesses today.
We are glad that you liked the post. Thanks for commenting!
Prioritizing workplace wellness isn’t just about employee health—it’s also crucial for business success. Your article effectively highlights the tangible benefits of fostering a healthy work environment, such as increased productivity, higher employee morale, and reduced absenteeism. By emphasizing the importance of investing in wellness programs and initiatives, you provide valuable insights for employers looking to enhance both their bottom line and their employees’ well-being.
Thanks for reading. We are glad you find it helpfull. Thanks for the feedback!
I could not agree more with this article! Wellness in the workforce is so incredibly important, and prioritizing it can make workers so much more productive!
Exactly Emily. Thanks for the feedback!
It’s awful! So many employers don’t care about the health and wellness of their employees. Some employers make it almost impossible for employees to take days off when they’re legitimately sick. I have had the displeasure of working for a few places like that, and I promise “wellness related programs” don’t cross their minds. I would like to see some serious change here! Great post!
Thank you for the feedback. We definitely need some change, soon.
It not only acknowledges the difficult situation but also emphasises the importance of each employee and their well-being, which can boost morale and productivity. Additionally, the company’s commitment to investing in strategic workplace wellness programmes shows that they are willing to take proactive measures to support their employees.
Yes, exactly, proactive aproach towards employee wellness is something that all companies need. Thanks for the feedback.
It’s a shame more companies don’t promote this. It can make such a big difference to staff.
In this day and age there are a large percentage of employers who lag behind in the wellness and well being of their staff, many who offer only offer basic minimum. More employers need to take on board the wellness and well being of their employees. It would pay off in the long fun as employees would benefitfrom this and work harder.
Exactly Nayna. Good point. Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, it can! Thanks for commenting!
Prioritizing the well being of staff can dramatically improve their performance. Businesses that don’t are not thinking much about their future.
And their employees. Thanks for the fedback!
it is a shame more companies don’t offer this option for their staff. i bet performance levels would skyrocket.
They would for sure. Thanks for the feeedback!
My husband has worked at home for the last three years, but he has worked at the office for many years. And lastly, his office had no windows where my spouse worked. It was awful.
Sorry to hear that! Thanks for sharing!
Having a good workplace is very important in having a successful business in life because it is the foundation in all of the people there.
Thanks for commenting!
Although I work from home now, I completely agree with you that prioritizing workplace wellness is the need of the hour. Moreover, it’s it’s how you can retain people and have sustainable business growth.
Thanks for the feedback!
Prioritizing staff well-being can definitely improve their performance. It can make workers much more productive and change the organization’s culture.
Exactly right. Thanks for the feedback!
I agree with you that prioritizing workplace wellness is essential. I am lucky to be working for a company that values this and we have observed significant improvement in our employee’s morale.
Thats great to hear. You are the first one that commented positively on workplace wellness issue. Thanks for the feedback!
It’s so true that workplace wellness often gets overlooked, but it’s crucial for our overall well-being and performance. I agree that it is an investment on the part of the company.
Thanks for the feedback!
Workplace wellness is so overlooked, I wish employers could understand how important it is to prevent burnout, stress… Great read and hopefully companies will soon prioritize a bit more the health of their employees. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the feedback. We are glad you liked the post.
Workplace wellness is critical to the success of the company in my opinion. Thanks for shedding light on this crucial topic!
Thank you for commenting!
I like this because it’s relevant to working professionals, focusing on workplace wellness that impacts my health and performance. Plus, it offers actionable solutions, not just complaints.
Glad you find our post useful. thanks for commenting!
Even when working from home, making mindfulness and meditation a part of your work day is essential.
Exacty. Strees reduce is needed even in remote or hybrid enviroments.
Maintaining a healthy and positive work environment is crucial for boosting employee productivity.
Agreed! Thanks for commenting!