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Vacation Success: Transforming Your Mindset About Fitness

Since I’ve been traveling for business, and am now slipping into vacation mode, I thought it would be prudent to write about one of the important factors in health and well-being…I’m referring to your MINDSET about fitness. This topic actually crosses over into all 4 Pillars of Performance (Mindset, Habits, Movement, Fuel). As I mention in my book and in …

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VO2max testing, longevity, and Dr. Peter Attia

“Unlocking Longevity: Understanding VO2max with Dr. Peter Attia | FRESH! Group Blog”
Discover the significance of VO2max testing in enhancing health, performance, and longevity. Learn from CEO Tim Borys as he delves into the science behind VO2max, its correlation with longevity, and its relevance beyond elite athletes. Explore how companies are leveraging VO2max testing for improved leadership performance and employee wellbeing. Join the conversation on optimizing your healthspan and thriving in both work and life.

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What is Downtime And Why Is It Good for You

Today I want to dive into the benefits of downtime, recharging your (mental & physical) batteries, and taking a step back from life to gain perspective. In case you haven’t noticed yet, I absolutely love what I do. Coaching, mentoring, and helping people experience a healthier, happier life are passions of mine. The balance of the past 2 weeks was …

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The Power of Braced Breathing and How to Brace Your Core Properly

In the previous post, we chatted about the importance of belly breathing and braced breathing. Did you get the chance to practice your deep belly breathing over the weekend? Today we are going to take your breathing to the next level and show you how to get many of the benefits of belly breathing while still protecting your core, improving …

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The Importance of Proper Breathing in the Modern Age

Today let’s dive into the importance of proper breathing, one of the most fundamental aspects of health and fitness, but one that most people take for granted. We are born with an innate ability to perform this skill correctly, and it’s essential to our survival. Despite this level of importance and former mastery, the majority of adults have forgotten how …