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Navigating Stress, Burnout, And Holiday Cheer!

We all know that life is a series of ups, downs, learning opportunities, and potential for growth. Nobody is immune to the challenges, hiccups, like stress and burnout, and other curveballs life throws at us. However, when we are in the middle of it all, that perspective can sometimes be tough to see. As a health and wellness professional, and …

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Ski Fitness – Part 4: Balance Training

Last time, we talked about mobility. And, as we’re talking more about skiing performance, balance is a key factor, especially in skiing. In skiing, you’re in dynamic activity, there are always things you have to react and respond to, and a lot of people try to train extreme balance. While that is great, you have to have a foundation of …

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Transformation Tip: Beliefs Are Simply Ideas With “Legs”

Here are a few questions to ponder. Their answers are important. How often do you think about your beliefs and ideas? Have you assessed whether your beliefs are helping or hindering you in life? When was the last time you tested the conviction of those beliefs? Do you know where they came from? Are they yours, or someone else’s? Have …

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Intermittent Fasting: What You Need To Know (Part 1)

Last week, I wrote a post outlining my thoughts on the KETO craze. I received several comments and feedback, along with some questions about other diets and eating trends. Based on that feedback, today I’m tackling the subject of Intermittent Fasting (further in-text – “IF”). Over the next couple of posts I will discuss the following aspects of “IF”: What …

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7 Simple Actions to Eliminate Your Joint Pain

Let’s face it. Joint pain sucks. The pain stops you from feeling healthy, vital, and strong. Even worse is that fear and stress actually amplify your pain responses. This creates a downward spiral of fear, stress, and pain that continues to get worse because each component fires up the others. The great news is that this pain spiral can be …