In the previous post, we chatted about the importance of belly breathing and braced breathing. Did you get the chance to practice your deep belly breathing over the weekend? Today we are going to take your breathing to the next level and show you how to get many of the benefits of belly breathing while still protecting your core, improving …
Ski Fitness – Part 7: Squats for Skiing
Today we’re going to talk about squats. Now squatting is one of the most common exercises that people do in the gym and that we do in day-to-day life. For skiing, it’s fantastically important. Now, this is where we start to pile on all the different things we’ve talked about in previous videos. Our posture, our bracing, our breathing, the …
Ski Fitness – Part 2: Planking And Breathing
Awesome! Last time we talked about posture and breathing. Today, I’ve got Sydney here to help me out and Sydney’s going to demonstrate a plank. Here we’re going to talk about how to get in the right alignment for a plank. Because obviously, you want to do the exercise correctly. But our focus for this is going to be on …
Ski Fitness – Part 1: Posture and Breathing
Welcome! What we’re going to talk about today is one of the most foundational skills, I guess we’ll call it that, to any activity, you’re going to do. And that is being able to maintain the position that you want, that you desire to maintain, regardless of what’s going on. We call that bracing, and the foundation of bracing is posture. …