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Ski Fitness – Part 1: Posture and Breathing

Welcome! What we’re going to talk about today is one of the most foundational skills, I guess we’ll call it that, to any activity, you’re going to do. And that is being able to maintain the position that you want, that you desire to maintain, regardless of what’s going on. We call that bracing, and the foundation of bracing is posture. …

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7 Simple Actions to Eliminate Your Joint Pain

Let’s face it. Joint pain sucks. The pain stops you from feeling healthy, vital, and strong. Even worse is that fear and stress actually amplify your pain responses. This creates a downward spiral of fear, stress, and pain that continues to get worse because each component fires up the others. The great news is that this pain spiral can be …

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How to feel better when you’re feeling like crap!

Hey everyone. Today I want to talk about how to feel better when you’re feeling like crap and strategies to improve your life. Now I’m at a conference in Vancouver, and it’s been a rough few days. It’s been great though. Lots of fun things are going on, catching up with old friends and work tasks, but I’m starting to …

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What is the Future of Fitness? And Why it Matters!

I would like to share some important insight about how I see the future of fitness, and how it’s to your benefit. After almost 30 years in the fitness industry, I find myself getting skeptical once in a while. It’s an amazing industry. However, like any industry, particularly one that’s enmeshed itself in the fabric of popular culture, it has …