What’s the best way to get the workout results you want, including weight loss, and to achieve your fitness goals? Should you buy a gym membership? Hire a personal trainer? See a dietician or nutritionist? Work with a health coach? Pay for an app? Follow the program of the latest TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram influencer? Try to do it on …
Why I Think Life Balance Is A Myth
Today’s post is about Life Balance. You may think it’s ironic that I’m writing this from day three of my 2-week family vacation. However, I feel it’s the perfect time to address some of the misconceptions about “life balance”. Let me start off by saying that I believe the traditional definition of life balance is a myth and wholly unattainable …
Winter Gain Weight And Skipped Workouts
A quick note to connect with you before the weekend. I’ve heard many people talking about winter gain weight and now they need to start working out again. Despite being so common, this is a flawed and misguided thought process. For people who’ve gained weight during the winter (or at any other time), it has almost nothing to do with …
The Challenge, Procrastination And Parkinson’s Law
Ding Dong, The Winter’s Dead! Sunshine and warmth are wonderful things! It’s been amazing to ride my bike outside and to wear a normal cycling jersey. Instead of bundling up in multiple layers and freezing my extremities off! Ge ting back into riding has been a great (albeit humbling) experience the past few weeks. Reflecting on these recent rides inspired …
Fun Friday Fact: The “Punchbuggy” Effect
I hope your Friday morning was awesome. Today’s message is a little later than normal since I went to bed later last night and chose to prioritize sleep this morning (Hey…it’s Friday!) 🙂 Today I want to talk about the “Punchbuggy” effect. Did you ever play that game as a kid? You know, the one where you get to punch …