When was the last time your computer updated its software? Probably recently… and perhaps during your most important meeting of the day! All jokes aside, the fact is, that we update our computers regularly but rarely think about updating and growing the software running in our brains. Wait a minute…software in our brain?! YES! The human brain is an amazing …
The Change Process: Positively And Productively
I love mountain biking! But mountain biking may not be your thing. I believe it’s important to have an active “thing” that helps you stay motivated, focused, and having fun. Even better if that “thing” changes with the seasons! It’s called the change process. There are literally thousands of groups and organizations you can connect with, that host events virtually …
Motivation Monday: Embrace Adversity To Build Resilience
Some of the greatest success stories in history have come from people who’ve faced tremendous adversity in life. This week’s Motivation Monday theme is dedicated to people who have experienced war, famine, trauma, disabilities, severe discrimination, abuse, and more. Despite these massive obstacles, they develop into a highly successful person, business owners, politicians, or leaders. Statistics show that the percentage …