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Daily Movement as Your Essential Habit

People typically go to the gym to either get fit, lose weight, or both. These are also the most popular reasons people hire a trainer. In previous posts, I’ve talked about how more fitness and nutrition information is rarely the solution that will help people with these goals. What will help is a consistent daily movement. In my book, The …

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Do You Lack the Motivation to Exercise

Today we will discuss simple strategies to tap into your lack of motivation (not just for exercise), and learn how to turn this common challenge into fantastic results! Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You already know exercise is good for you. However, if you need a refresher on the benefits of exercise, let’s just say if the benefits were …

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Your Essential Guide to Kettlebells: Transforming Your Fitness Journey

Kettlebells are one of the most versatile and effective tools in the fitness world. Yet, they’re often misunderstood and underutilized. If you’ve ever thought that a kettlebell is just a weirdly shaped dumbbell, it’s time to think again. This blog post is your comprehensive guide to kettlebells—what they are, why they’re so fantastic, and how to use them to erase …

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One Simple Question: Why Do You Workout

Why do you workout? This seemingly simple question has a profound impact on the results you get…from workouts and from life. For most of the population (and perhaps you too), the two most common responses are: While I know this is the reality that most people experience, I believe those are crappy reasons why should you workout. It’s these reasons …

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What Motivated You to Look For a Fitness Trainer Today?

This week several new clients came looking for a personal fitness trainer and signed up for coaching at our downtown studio. Since I’ve been traveling a lot lately, it was good to reconnect with this part of my business, and a great reminder of how much I love the consultation process with potential new clients. It’s my chance to listen, …