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One Simple Question: Why Do You Workout

Why do you workout? This seemingly simple question has a profound impact on the results you get…from workouts and from life. For most of the population (and perhaps you too), the two most common responses are: While I know this is the reality that most people experience, I believe those are crappy reasons why should you workout. It’s these reasons …

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What Motivated You to Look For a Fitness Trainer Today?

This week several new clients came looking for a personal fitness trainer and signed up for coaching at our downtown studio. Since I’ve been traveling a lot lately, it was good to reconnect with this part of my business, and a great reminder of how much I love the consultation process with potential new clients. It’s my chance to listen, …

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Do You Need To Take Supplements To Build Muscle?

Welcome back to another fitness myth-busting blog post. What a fantastic weekend of sun and fun. I hope you’ve been enjoying it as much as I have! Let’s quickly dive right into our fitness myth for today and answer a common question regarding whether or not you really need to take supplements to build muscle. This myth is somewhat related …

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Are Sports Drinks Really Effective?

In a previous blog post, we talked about some common mistakes that people make while trying to lose weight. Today, we will continue with our Fitness Myths topic and discuss one more common myths that centre on sports drinks, potions, pills, and powders. Let’s dive right in and see if sports drinks are really effective… Are sports drinks effective and …

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Resistance Training And Weight Loss

While we continue with our Fitness Myths series today’s myth stems from many areas, and we’ve heard it in many forms over the years. First, studies are often quoted showing that people who only do strength training lose less weight than those groups who use diet modifications on their own, or through a combination of exercise plus diet modifications. While …