It’s pretty unanimous that weekends are awesome. But, maybe it is time for a weekend mindset shift? The reasons people enjoy the weekends vary widely. They are about indulgence, debauchery, and “no rules”. Sometimes that manifests as staying up late, eating whatever you want, sleeping in, laying on the couch all day, binging Netflix, epic parties, or other similar actions. …
The Importance of Proper Breathing in the Modern Age
Today let’s dive into the importance of proper breathing, one of the most fundamental aspects of health and fitness, but one that most people take for granted. We are born with an innate ability to perform this skill correctly, and it’s essential to our survival. Despite this level of importance and former mastery, the majority of adults have forgotten how …
3 Tips on How to Stay Focused on Your Goals
Busy times like this are great opportunities for clarity and focus. Yet, because there are so many demands in life, it’s easy to let the wheels fall off the wagon and lose focus on your goals in important areas if you don’t have the right strategies in place. I’ve put together 3 tips on how to stay focused on your …
My Wish for You This New Year: Resolutions and Goals
Happy New Year! Have you done your New Year’s resolutions and goals planning already…or will you be scrambling to get it done over the coming days/weeks? Either one can work…as long as it gets done! The good news is there aren’t any new skills to learn. Most of us do detailed planning for work, but far fewer put the same …
Growing Success in Life: 3 Things to Eliminate Moving Forward
Do you consider yourself a successful person? Would you like to see more success in your life? Try growing success in your life by eliminating these three things: complain, waste, and settle. Yesterday I received an email from one of my business mentors that I think you would like. I’ve modified it to fit our needs, but it’s true whether …