While today’s topic is not in the traditional realm of what I write about, most readers of these messages are working professionals, and the workplace wellness that I’m going to highlight today is essential to your future health, happiness, well-being, and performance in life. Hopefully, this is enough to perk up your attention. Also, I’m not one to rant without …
Two Important Work And Life Tips
Today I have a couple of great and very important life (and work) tips for you. Tips regarding stress and sitting. With the book launch, several speaking engagements, new corporate projects, more upcoming business trips, and trying to balance my time with family, stress levels are high, and I’ve been faced with much more time than normal in front of …
Random Acts of Workplace Wellness
Does your company have a workplace wellness program? I’m curious to know what you think of yours. Is it valuable to you to have a workplace wellness program? Is it promoted within the company? Do many employees participate? Are senior leaders closely involved? Is it part of your organizational culture? Do you even care whether your company provides such programs? …