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Behavior Change – Part 2: Emotion Creates Motion

In Part 1, we discussed the power of mindset as the foundation for successful behavior change. In a nutshell, for lasting behavior change to happen, we must begin to see ourselves and our journey from a new perspective. Today we are going to dive into how to create an emotional connection with your daily actions and future success, then use …

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My Wish For You In 2022

Happy New Year! As I’ve gone through my personal and business planning process and looked forward to the year ahead, I want to share some thoughts on how you can make the upcoming year everything you’ve been hoping for. See, I strongly believe that each one of us is in control of our actions each day. This means that whether …

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Are You Too Old? Age vs. Actions

Around 6 months ago I almost asked myself “Are you too old?” Last winter I went to the mountains with my family. Several days of incredible skiing and spending quality time with my family. It was also a rough one on the body. That’s what I’m going to talk about today. Physical activity is great, but by the end of …

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Baseball, Bodyfat, and the Slippery Slope of Standards

I’m fascinated by cultural trends. While I don’t always agree with the way certain things go, it’s an interesting look into the mindset and values that our society is living by. I’ve come to realize that it is a slippery slope of sliding standards. I was forwarded an amazing article by author and business speaker Harvey Mackay. In it, he …

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Will 2021 be better than 2020?

Will 2021 be better than 2020? 2020 was surviving working from home. 2021 will be about THRIVING at work and home! There’s no doubt about it. 2020 was a crazy year. Locally and globally we went through extraordinarily challenging times, and many of those challenges persist to this day. Will 2021 be better than 2020? How you answer my initial …