Today I want to address a common misconception and give you 3 simple tips for being great in fitness, health, and life. Ask most people what’s needed for great fitness and to “get fit”? “Going to the gym” will likely be at or near the top of the list. Yet, this is where most people go wrong, and why so …
How to Define Your Personalized Fitness Goals
It’s great that we have many different personalized fitness goals, but that’s what makes it so confusing for so many people. A moment of clarity this morning reminded me of a conversation I had with a man on the plane. During our chat, he suggested that people weren’t really “fit” unless they could lift a certain amount of weight. This …
5 Healthy Daily Habits for a Longer and Better Life
On April 30th 2018, Harvard researchers published the results of a massive longitudinal study on the impact of adopting healthy daily habits on mortality risk. It encompassed 34 years of data from 78,865 women and 27 years of data from 44,354 men. The results were able to quantify what we health and wellness professionals have known for a long time…Following …
7 Simple Fitness Tips That Your Trainers Are Not Telling You
On Saturday and Sunday, I had the opportunity to attend a course taught by Dan John, one of the top strength and performance coaches in the world. It was great to learn from him and gather fitness tips, and it was a nice confirmation that I’m on the right track and doing the right things for my clients. Of course, …
How Small, Daily Habits Can Impact Your Life, Health & Fitness
This week, the reminder came in for my semi-annual dentist appointment (actually, it’s every 9 months based on my insurance coverage), and it got me thinking about how small, daily habits positively impact your health and fitness. Here’s a scenario for you… You decide not to brush your teeth daily, but you make sure to get two cleanings per year …