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5 Simple Strategies On How To Feel Happiness

It’s Friday. The most loved day of the week. It’s also the perfect time to bust a few myths about how to feel happiness. There is a lot of talk about happiness these days. Particularly because so many people are unhappy, unfulfilled, and disgruntled about the state of things around them. This tendency to “look outside” ourselves is a key …

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The Importance Of Fundamentals Of Fitness

I love the lessons that life presents every day…if we are open to “seeing” them. This weekend, it was my daughter (and her gymnastics coaches) that reminded me about the importance of the fundamentals of sport and fitness. Both of my kids have been doing gymnastics since they were toddlers, but last year they were invited to a developmental trampoline …

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Simple Fitness Tips For Rainy Day Workouts

It’s POURING rain today. Not a common occurrence in Calgary, but I like it. It reminds me of growing up in Vancouver. There’s a reason everything is so green on the west coast! The rain also inspired me to write this post. Hopefully, these fitness tips for rainy day workouts will inspire you to move your body over the coming …

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Mindset Growth: Update Your Brain Software

When was the last time your computer updated its software? Probably recently… and perhaps during your most important meeting of the day! All jokes aside, the fact is, that we update our computers regularly but rarely think about updating and growing the software running in our brains. Wait a minute…software in our brain?! YES! The human brain is an amazing …

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Is Time Management Important?

Are you bursting with energy today? Do you wake up rested and in a great mood most days? Do you strive (and often struggle) to manage your time? Is time management really that important? The answers to these questions tell us many things about your lifestyle and daily habits and will correlate closely with the results you are getting. Today …