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Vacation Success: Transforming Your Mindset About Fitness

Since I’ve been traveling for business, and am now slipping into vacation mode, I thought it would be prudent to write about one of the important factors in health and well-being…I’m referring to your MINDSET about fitness. This topic actually crosses over into all 4 Pillars of Performance (Mindset, Habits, Movement, Fuel). As I mention in my book and in …

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Simple Productivity Tip To Break Through Barriers

Today’s message is about productivity and performance, it’s extremely simple, yet super powerful…when applied. This tip is perfectly summed up in a quote by one of my favorite authors James Clear: “The more disciplined your environment is, the less disciplined you need to be. Don’t swim upstream.”  Coming across this quote is fortuitous since it’s what I needed to be …

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Tips For Proper Posture

It’s the start of another work week, and for most of us, that means LOTS of sitting at a desk. Today, I’ve put together some simple, yet extremely important tips for proper posture. Proper posture is an often forgotten and neglected part of our physical well-being The thing that most people fail to realize is that posture can have a …

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How To Overcome The Fear Of Change

Today I want to shine some light on a common issue in life, health, fitness, and people’s weight loss goals. Its FEAR. Let’s talk about what is fear and how to overcome the fear of change. A client I had this week was the inspiration for this post. She is representative of many people on their weight loss journey and …

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You Become What You Eat (Literally)!

Let me repeat that…YOU BECOME WHAT YOU EAT! I think the gravity of it may have slipped by some people. No, this doesn’t mean if you eat fat you will be fat. It goes deeper than that. I’m talking about food quality. Yes, you actually become what you eat The food you eat is broken down, digested, and the nutrients …