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You Become What You Eat (Literally)!

Let me repeat that…YOU BECOME WHAT YOU EAT! I think the gravity of it may have slipped by some people. No, this doesn’t mean if you eat fat you will be fat. It goes deeper than that. I’m talking about food quality. Yes, you actually become what you eat The food you eat is broken down, digested, and the nutrients …

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How To Become More Efficient

Last night I was planning my time, schedule, and tasks for the week. Since that was on my mind, I thought I’d share the simple, 5-step formula I follow to become more efficient and productive. I had been following various parts of this process for many years, but it was my current business coach who really helped me dig down …

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How’s Your Sleep Hygiene?

It’s Worlds Sleep Day on Friday. Unfortunately, it probably won’t get much attention. Sleep is something we all do. Most people LOVE to sleep, but the majority of people don’t have correct sleep hygiene. Stats show that over 1 in 3 North Americans don’t get enough sleep. This is high enough, but a much higher percentage of the population doesn’t …

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No Quote Today… Just a Quick Question!

No Quote Today… Just a Quick Question! (and my comments). It’s been an amazing and action-packed few months. The launch of our new app, the release of the 2nd edition of Your Work from Home Productivity Handbook, and so many great conversations with companies about using it to help their employees better manage the challenges of working from home. No …