Today’s post is about Life Balance. You may think it’s ironic that I’m writing this from day three of my 2-week family vacation. However, I feel it’s the perfect time to address some of the misconceptions about “life balance”. Let me start off by saying that I believe the traditional definition of life balance is a myth and wholly unattainable …
How Long Does It Take To See Results In Fitness?
I hope your last weekend of Stampede was awesome! To continue with the fitness myths series, I have one more myth to debunk for you: “you have to spend a lot of time exercising if you want to see the results in fitness.” Time is always a touchy subject. We all have the same amount of it, but how we …
7 Simple Actions to Eliminate Your Joint Pain
Let’s face it. Joint pain sucks. The pain stops you from feeling healthy, vital, and strong. Even worse is that fear and stress actually amplify your pain responses. This creates a downward spiral of fear, stress, and pain that continues to get worse because each component fires up the others. The great news is that this pain spiral can be …
How to feel better when you’re feeling like crap!
Hey everyone. Today I want to talk about how to feel better when you’re feeling like crap and strategies to improve your life. Now I’m at a conference in Vancouver, and it’s been a rough few days. It’s been great though. Lots of fun things are going on, catching up with old friends and work tasks, but I’m starting to …
Are You Busy?
Are you BUSY? Would you describe your life as hectic and crazy? When was the last time you stopped and thought about the implications of those words? I used to say I was “busy” all the time, but the concept of “being busy” is so overused and misguided that I now find it worse than nails on a chalkboard! In …